Friday 9 March 2012

Racist Rant

Recently, two teenage girls posted a video on youtube, saying extremely racist and ignorant things about the black community. Read the article here or watch the video below.

The things they said were extremely rude and hurtful. They should be so ashamed of themselves because what they said was closeminded and completely inaccurate.
Another thing that really bothers me is that no one really said anything about the racist comments that the girl read out in the video. People were calling her a mexican that should go back to her country. Also people were telling her to go eat somes tacos, which is a mexican stereotype. It kind of surprises me that no one said anything about that. Even though those racist comments weren't nearly as bad as what these two girls said, it still shouldn't be ignored.
A youtube commenter whose username is jerryamoore111 said "She hates black people who don't do anything with their life except mooch off the system. She also hates white people, Hispanic, Asians, or anyone else who doesn't do anything with their life except mooch off the system. She likes people who are trying to do something with their life, like her black friend. How is that racist? People need to accept that there are now people in this world (like these two girls) who no longer see race. All they see is the content of a person's character." But they only kept talking about the black community, if it was just a video about people that manipulate the system in general then they wouldn't have continued to talk about black people the way they did.
One girl, from the video, said, "Not a lot of black people graduate from high school. They don't make a living for themselves. They just drop out of high school. (Mocking black people) Oh I'm gonna have kids. I'm gonna get a welfare check."
Things like that are so ignorant and totally incorrect. Sure some black people manipulate the system, but it's not like they're the only race that does.
She thinks that the black people that are on welfare spend all their money on clothing and other material goods instead of things they need. That may be right in some cases but I'll say it again: they aren't the only ones that do!
She also said, "There's black people, they're fine, they're educated, they go to school, they do what they have to do. Then there's n****rs, they can't talk right, they keep having kids, they can't get jobs. There's a difference."
She should be so ashamed of herself for saying that. It's one of the most racist things I have ever heard. She tries to say that she isn't racist and that it's just how they are, but it's not! If she opened her eyes she would see how wrong she truly is. The girl with the glasses seems to see how wrong she is now because she posted another youtube video saying how sorry she was, the video is underneath.

The people that believed her were supposed to like the video, and if they didn't; dislike it. Only 172 people liked the video. 1,339 people disliked it. Honestly, I'm not surprised because even though she didn't say much throughout the other video, what she did say was very racist.
Thenerdgirl555 commented, "its because she got death threats and kicked out of school..if she sees this here is a little note
dear b**ch who made the vid
u are stupied and u are lucky u just got kicked out because alot of people out there could of KILLED u..its called pissed off stalkers...say thank god they didnt get a white girl..and im ashamed for it
not with love
So a lot of people think she's only apologizing because she recieved death threats and got kicked out of school. Honestly, I don't blame them, because I doubt she even realized how bad the video was until it ruined her life.

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